Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's so sad.....

Ruth is a four year old in my Sunday school class. She is usually quite shy but has recently blossomed which we enjoy because she is very clever and keeps us laughing. Ruth loves to play church with her cousins. Last week she asked her granny to play church with her. After they "sang" 7 (!) psalms Ruth announced they would then have 6 prayers. And this is how she prayed
"God help all the children in Africa who have no clothes....It's so sad.
God help all the children in Africa who have no food....It's so sad.
God help all the children in Africa who have no toys.....It's so sad."

ruth's mom had recently told her about these children in Africa when Ruth was refusing to eat her dinner. I chuckled when I heard the story from her granny but later I thought about it more. How desensitized am I to pictures of the suffering children in Africa? How often do I grieve over their suffering in my prayers and feel the sadness that Ruth embraced? Not often enough.

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