Saturday, January 03, 2009

Sore Losers Are Sometimes Determined by Birth Order

This is a conversation between my sister and her daughter Ana (age 4) following my sister winning a game of Memory. I should add that Ana has a strong inferiority complex that she is not as smart as her almost six year old sister, Nadia.

Ana (whining): I'm not smart enough.
Lisamarie: Why do you think that Ana?
Ana: Because if I was smart enough I would win every game of Memory!
Lisamarie: But Ana, Mommy is smart too and so sometimes she wins at Memory.

All I have to say is....Like Aunt, like niece! (It's really hard to be the second girl!)

Ana is the middle flower girl. Nadia on the right.

Back to Blogging

So I'm back to seems a little more under control and I need to make time for some things such as this. Here's the ramble for today.
John got me Settlers of Catan Traders & Barbarians for Christmas. He got me some other nice gifts but now I think he realizes, there was no need to purchase anything other than this game!
So this is what our dining room table has looked like since Christmas.

Playing games is really good for my sanctification. It is amazing how quickly I pout and crave revenge when John cuts off my raod or steals a port. And the game is absolutely addictive. I'm wondering if I'll burn out on it.....but can you burn out on an addiction?