Saturday, July 15, 2006


I don't really have anything to write about so I thought I'd just ramble a bit. I got up early this morning and feel like I have accomplished so much for a Saturday. I have a temporary barking alarm clock who woke me at half 6. Soon after I started sanding the peeling paint off a rocking chair that I plan to paint red to go in my sitting room. This is one of the many projects that I need to finish before starting work. I'm also painting the wall tile in my bathroom and finishing my unpacking of books. Ughhh....I'm sick of packing and unpacking. Later this week I head up to Michigan for my family reunion. Dreading the packing for that trip, which should be relatively simple.

Tomorrow is Sunday. I'm learning how to adjust to not working for the church and having more alone time on Sundays. A couple Sundays ago I went to my usual 9:30 worship service and then went out to my car to go home. I sat in the car thinking "What is wrong and why do I feel guilty?" I realized that it is the first time in 6 years that I am not working on Sundays. Most Sundays in Scotland I would go to somebody's house for lunch but that is not common here so I find myself in alone in the afternoon after church. But now I'm getting into the swing of things. I've been invited to an adult Sunday school class that I think I will like. And my friend Martha invited me over for lunch tomorrow. It is always delightful to visit with her so I am very much looking forward to it.

I'm sitting in a coffee shop typing this and there is another woman talking to her friend VERY loudly. I want to tell you to talk quieter. Does she realize that everybody can hear about her fight with her boyfriend? Americans are so loud (me included)!

I GOT A JOB! I'm the new face of the records office at Covenant College! That means that I smile at people and ask them if I can help and I answer the phones. I love the people in the office. Three of them I already know and the fourth person is British! I think they were more concerned that they got a team member that they liked than what skills I actually possess. My goal is to master the xerox machine in this office. Making copies has always been my weakest skill in office work. I'm excited to work in an office again and thrilled that it is at my beloved Covenant!

The next big decision is whether or not I should get a dog. I have my eye on a few small breeds. Any input would be welcome! All the input from Stacy's children has been very positive with many offers to help!

Friday, July 14, 2006

"Southerners speak music"

Mark Twain said "Southerners speak music". Hearing a soft Georgia lilt is almost like a song, a song that has brought me much comfort lately. But what I love most are the southern idioms like "He was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rockers" or "mad enough to spit nails". It is just fun to hear these phrases again. I laughed out loud the other day when I heard a kid at the pool turn to a friend and say "You swim slower than Christmas comes!"
That's my new favorite!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The melting of my heart

Because of some real struggles over the past year I've had a difficult time going to church. I won't go into all the details but Sundays became a real battle in my heart and I felt like most of the time I was losing the battle. It was difficult because for my whole life I had loved going to church more than anything else. By the time I returned to the states I felt like my heart had turned into stone - so cold and hard. But I held unto the promise in 1 Peter that after having suffered for a while, Christ himself will restore my soul.

I haven't been completely restored but I have felt the melting effect from the warmth of the Holy Spirit illuminating my heart with truth and love. Sometimes all I can do in the presence of the Savior is sit and weep. Much of the melting comes from the welcome home hugs, words of thankfulness that I have returned to Chattanooga, recognizing God's generous provision of a home church family that loves me because they dearly love Jesus.

See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come,

the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.

Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me." Song of Solomon 2:11-13

The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

Americans say funny things....

I've already written about the random woman who told me to go check out some shirt because she thought it would look flattering on me. It still feels odd that the people I encounter out in public want to share so much of themselves. Scots are friendly, and Glaswegians the friendliest of them all, but the average person working the till would not give you more than a 'hello' and 'have a nice day'. So imagine how uncomfortable I was during this recent interaction (my words are in italics).

I was paying for a purchase at Home Depot (B&Q to the Brits). The lady, probably in her 50's, working the till said to me "I just saw a guy I went to high school with and his wife. They were talking to me and I looked at him and thought 'You look older than dirt'. I just kept looking at him and wanted to say 'What happened to you?'" Then she continued "But I'm saved." What? "I'm saved. I love the Lord." Oh. "And I know the Lord doesn't want me to look like that so it won't happen." Well I know quite a few people who love the Lord and don't look all that great. "Well then I would wonder what they are doing to themselves to make them look like that." My purchase was complete so I wished the lady a wonderful day and left the store. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! She obviously has a very fine line between faith and works. And in the end, santification does not cure acne!